Senaraikan sekurang-kurangnyer 1 bende yg anda impikan! :
uhh happiness :)
Senaraikan alasan atas pilihan itu :
everyone wnts happiness haha dnt u ?
5 impresi terhadap orang yg diminati :
cute/funny/cn mke me go speechless/i told u/speech-less
5 ciptaan yg paling disukai :
parents/orgs baeks/mall/chocolate/amy =p
5 perkara yg dibenci :
israel/posers/over the top ppl/bad movies haha/nyamokk
5 org yg mahu di tag :
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
idola indon
aduih aduih aduih
pnat lorhh
u wnna knoe y?
i'll tell u y!
sbb my mak sdare tgglkn ank2 die kt cni
due org jela tp itu suda ckop membingitkn lu taw
stiap 5 minit nanges nk mama.urghhh
(not rly in to kids)
smlm akuh tgk cte jelita kt utube
gler bnyk episodesss
kt tvtige bru episode 10 but ade smpai 40++
but i bet tvtige akn cut sket2
sumpa dirly aka bayu plusplusplus pnye cute :)
especially kalo ade scene romantis dgn agnes aka jelita
hes from indonesian idol btw
aku chck kt tenet die mmg kapel ngn agnes but rsenye da clash

my closet da bersih fyiii
spe yg brsihkn?
oh yea ur right, ME !
hhaha bodoo
urghh benci lah xtaw ape nk ckpp :(
pnat lorhh
u wnna knoe y?
i'll tell u y!
sbb my mak sdare tgglkn ank2 die kt cni
due org jela tp itu suda ckop membingitkn lu taw
stiap 5 minit nanges nk mama.urghhh
(not rly in to kids)
smlm akuh tgk cte jelita kt utube
gler bnyk episodesss
kt tvtige bru episode 10 but ade smpai 40++
but i bet tvtige akn cut sket2
sumpa dirly aka bayu plusplusplus pnye cute :)
especially kalo ade scene romantis dgn agnes aka jelita
hes from indonesian idol btw
aku chck kt tenet die mmg kapel ngn agnes but rsenye da clash

my closet da bersih fyiii
spe yg brsihkn?
oh yea ur right, ME !
hhaha bodoo
urghh benci lah xtaw ape nk ckpp :(
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
do u thnk u can dnce?
so do u thnk u can dance?
i dnt thnk i can dnce.
i hate dncng.i dont knoe how to dnce.
i dont knoe why ppl say dancing realive stress
mybe bcos i never try dncng
huh and yet im judging
stupid isn it?
"nothing to write actually but i still wanna write smthng"
so i wanna wish congratulations to all seniors yg dpt straight A's
u guys deserve it :) walawehh nxt year my turn :(
me!!whos rly rly lazy.hah
anywhoo,congrats yall!
(xnk share tips ker?heee)
im pissed off with my tv laa !
stupidos cnnt openn !!
three words for u : get well soon :)
pssstt,i like miley cyrus :)
haha idk why but i like her .. well i do know why act.
i thnk shes prettyy and i love all her songs *so is nadia
she doesnt hve a good voice but the way she sings is different
and i like different haha duhh~~
all im sying is i kinda like her and also her style haha (as if u care)
i dnt thnk i can dnce.
i hate dncng.i dont knoe how to dnce.
i dont knoe why ppl say dancing realive stress
mybe bcos i never try dncng
huh and yet im judging
stupid isn it?
"nothing to write actually but i still wanna write smthng"
so i wanna wish congratulations to all seniors yg dpt straight A's
u guys deserve it :) walawehh nxt year my turn :(
me!!whos rly rly lazy.hah
anywhoo,congrats yall!
(xnk share tips ker?heee)
im pissed off with my tv laa !
stupidos cnnt openn !!
three words for u : get well soon :)
pssstt,i like miley cyrus :)
haha idk why but i like her .. well i do know why act.
i thnk shes prettyy and i love all her songs *so is nadia
she doesnt hve a good voice but the way she sings is different
and i like different haha duhh~~
all im sying is i kinda like her and also her style haha (as if u care)
love ------------------ hate
back and alive
hey im back.
miss me much?idts hah :p
trip to the kampong :)
kat sne siot bosan but i spent many of my hours watchng movies
i watched dealova,hantu jmbtn ancol,beranak dalam kubor,superhero movie
i dnt rly enjoy blek kelantan cos tired ddok dlm kete for 10 hours or more
but ble da smpai okla cos bole pulon amek mknn dkt kedai runcit
oh yea we have our own grocery there ahha
on our way home kteorg stop nk mkn but slh pilih kdai
the foods is ok but the toilet omg!
my dad tros xde selera ble tgk die pnye toilet (tgk sbb nk gne lah haha)
i xtgk so i dont rly knoe how bad it was but my dad said terrible bbeh
igt jst nk walk away cos my dad dh xde selera but dh order so stay jela
but dlm kerete afta dat kteorg menyumpah dat kedai haha
my dad,my uncle and my bibik tgk n they said the toilet was friggin dirty
dorg tros xjd nk melabor hahaha
i can only jst imagine ewww
my dad bgtau dkt die pnye pekerje but die buat bodo aje
i wonder how dorg bole gne tndas kotor2? gross-ery btol
omg i jst realized that mggu dpn da bkk skola!
rse mcm cpt jer..nk cuti lg la bang!hah :)
umm aku bce blog seniors and dorg agk glaba nk amek result pmr
all i can say is good luck ! i wonder amy dpt brpe A?hmmm
and i jst taw yg my dad suke lgu hot and cold katy perry
obvious sgt when lgu tu maen die putar 180 drjh punat volume tuh
haha :D
miss me much?idts hah :p
trip to the kampong :)
kat sne siot bosan but i spent many of my hours watchng movies
i watched dealova,hantu jmbtn ancol,beranak dalam kubor,superhero movie
i dnt rly enjoy blek kelantan cos tired ddok dlm kete for 10 hours or more
but ble da smpai okla cos bole pulon amek mknn dkt kedai runcit
oh yea we have our own grocery there ahha
on our way home kteorg stop nk mkn but slh pilih kdai
the foods is ok but the toilet omg!
my dad tros xde selera ble tgk die pnye toilet (tgk sbb nk gne lah haha)
i xtgk so i dont rly knoe how bad it was but my dad said terrible bbeh
igt jst nk walk away cos my dad dh xde selera but dh order so stay jela
but dlm kerete afta dat kteorg menyumpah dat kedai haha
my dad,my uncle and my bibik tgk n they said the toilet was friggin dirty
dorg tros xjd nk melabor hahaha
i can only jst imagine ewww
my dad bgtau dkt die pnye pekerje but die buat bodo aje
i wonder how dorg bole gne tndas kotor2? gross-ery btol
omg i jst realized that mggu dpn da bkk skola!
rse mcm cpt jer..nk cuti lg la bang!hah :)
umm aku bce blog seniors and dorg agk glaba nk amek result pmr
all i can say is good luck ! i wonder amy dpt brpe A?hmmm
and i jst taw yg my dad suke lgu hot and cold katy perry
obvious sgt when lgu tu maen die putar 180 drjh punat volume tuh
haha :D
Saturday, December 27, 2008
David Archuleta is not over me yet
this song is effing amazing ! i love it .
and David Archuleta is a cutie pie .
plus the video is cool but sorry cos in this one vid die xabes :(
yg full smue tale amek code haha :p
Friday, December 26, 2008
tears please stop running

made by adriana ! tq sygg :) ily.
and yes as you said we will still be beef eff eff :D
i bet bella would say the same thang :)
ohh yea harith kate dis sunday die da gone asrama blek
so farewell my dear :'(
sheeshh,angktla fon dol!nk ckp gudbye nih,haha :p
*smiling outside crying inside :)
uhh aku away jap smpai isnin nih
jgn ah rndu aku sgt eh haha :pp
aku mau blek kelate!
The Miley and Mandy Show
when she falls 4:05 ohmygod i died HAHAHAHA
view jst for fun (potential breakup song) :D
step up version M&M 4 minutes
Thursday, December 25, 2008
shop till drop
huit ppls :)
smlm aku nmpk iman kat skula!
fyi mse tu xmndi agi ohh :D
mak aku suro teman g pasar je so aku igt kjap je taya la mandi
ps2 die suro amek result so aku dgn rse selekehnye ikot jela
tekezut gak ble nmpk iman ps2 aku tgk jam pkol 10
no wonder la dorg kn plan nk g klcc kol 10
ps2 lps aku amek result dK dtg :)
dK sgt sgt sgt lah hensem ! sumpa sumpa !
selitselit : aku dpt no 6 .
gler sedey ta dpt ikot g hangout skali kt klcc :(
my mom la ta bgi but die make it up for me
die promise nk bwk g mid dat night to buy some stuff
but ble smpai kt mid da lewat daaaa
so bnyk stores dh tutop including stores yg aku nk pegi :'(
aku sesat dela kt ta beli ppe pon
aku gle xpuas ati so aku ajk mak aku pgi blek hahaa :p
then this morning g blek mid :)
around pkol 11 kteorg smpai my dad drop off je cos die ade keje
ps2 aku msok converse nk carik pencil case but ADAA
then msok TL aku beli dis pink pencil case agk unique doo
and did i mention besa haha ps2 msok shop dkt jusco
afta dat kluar jusco pusing2 cari my kasot then lst2 end up kat nose
i bought this shoes wane biru and i gotta say i love it :)
then while waiting for my dad dtg amek shop kt esprit jap
dari pkol 11 kt sne smpai pkol 3.30 kaki ku da nk tecabot
bnyk sgt msok kedai but beli nye sket je
ohh yea oh ya ! aku jmpe A.SAMAD SAID mse kat mid.
hahaa die pon mau shop shop jgkk haha
smlm aku nmpk iman kat skula!
fyi mse tu xmndi agi ohh :D
mak aku suro teman g pasar je so aku igt kjap je taya la mandi
ps2 die suro amek result so aku dgn rse selekehnye ikot jela
tekezut gak ble nmpk iman ps2 aku tgk jam pkol 10
no wonder la dorg kn plan nk g klcc kol 10
ps2 lps aku amek result dK dtg :)
dK sgt sgt sgt lah hensem ! sumpa sumpa !
selitselit : aku dpt no 6 .
gler sedey ta dpt ikot g hangout skali kt klcc :(
my mom la ta bgi but die make it up for me
die promise nk bwk g mid dat night to buy some stuff
but ble smpai kt mid da lewat daaaa
so bnyk stores dh tutop including stores yg aku nk pegi :'(
aku sesat dela kt ta beli ppe pon
aku gle xpuas ati so aku ajk mak aku pgi blek hahaa :p
then this morning g blek mid :)
around pkol 11 kteorg smpai my dad drop off je cos die ade keje
ps2 aku msok converse nk carik pencil case but ADAA
then msok TL aku beli dis pink pencil case agk unique doo
and did i mention besa haha ps2 msok shop dkt jusco
afta dat kluar jusco pusing2 cari my kasot then lst2 end up kat nose
i bought this shoes wane biru and i gotta say i love it :)
then while waiting for my dad dtg amek shop kt esprit jap
dari pkol 11 kt sne smpai pkol 3.30 kaki ku da nk tecabot
bnyk sgt msok kedai but beli nye sket je
ohh yea oh ya ! aku jmpe A.SAMAD SAID mse kat mid.
hahaa die pon mau shop shop jgkk haha
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
lesson for today
well mls gler rsenye nk post any story
but rse mcm responsible plak :) (wth?)
ummm this cuti kn aku g tusyen
cyes aku ske doew gi tusyen :D(sbb harith ader kowt?)
btol la tu.ahaks.mara lynn n jaja :p
hmm talking about them,
aku rse bertuah gler dpt dorg ohh
lynn tu mmg la dr dulu mmg bff ngn die
sejak aku blom kapel ngn harith lg but jd
renggang bler tuka klas :(
well jaja is friend la .
even new tp aku ngam gler ngn die :D
die bole je sambong ape mende yg aku mengarot-kan.
die jge sgt sporting :)
stiap kali sbelom tusyen stat die akn bg chokichoki (im gonna miss that)
kteorg akn ckp merapu and glak smpai dpndg serong
haha well td die tolong aku menceroboh hak pribadi org.
die jge pntu and aku intai2 mende dlm beg harith *hope die xbce nie
cyes aku ske buat mende tde faedah dan mendtgkn rse semcm dkt org laen yg tgk haha mina2 yg tgk aku smue tersengeh sengeh (pahal?)
omg i ve became a stalker.well since im good at it why dont i jst keep on doing this thang :P
then td ckgu suro bce idioms dkt dpn(aku benci gle bce dpn org!)
well ble turn harith kteorg usha dgn telitinye :D
but ble turn aku my gal (lynn n jaja la) plak usha reaksi harith
haha aku blek tmpt dorg tros report lol (die pnye result is confidential lah)
haha :pp
too bad so sad tomoro is the lst day tusyen :'(
cyes xmau abes!xske!xde bnde nk wat kt uma.
huh!but nk wat cmne pasrah jela c:
hmmm,syeera,iman,dk and zurf nk g klcc sok :D
wahh bes bes but too bad i cnnt go :( (again with the sad face)
my mom xbg pegi cos she said xnk biasekn kluar jaoh2 ngn kengkwan.
agk lame but its for my own safety&&dgn terpksenye terpakse agree haha
tp xpela..dorg nk pegi pg then if i ikot i hve to skip tuisyen
i dont thnk i wanna miss the lst day of tuisyen :D
ptg td pegi ruma nadia buat beads ke mende tah nme die.
kteorg cdg nk jual *yo yo jela but btol la haha
after that maen bskl and usha harith maen bola(asek psl die je?)
while naek bskl kteorg share each other feelings *cehceh
aku cte psl harith and die cte psl iqbal :)
ckp2 smpai brape lap tah kteorg buat haha
sori if korg xdpt contact aku !
aku tuka sim celcom but nnt aku tuka la sim hotlink blek.
sori jgk to bella cos xon ym td.i tetido la syg :D
and sori to u all if terlalu bnyk sgt the word *harith dlm today pnye post:)
p/s:aku kene sexual harassment doe ngn khairina adek nadiah ! siot je :p
but rse mcm responsible plak :) (wth?)
ummm this cuti kn aku g tusyen
cyes aku ske doew gi tusyen :D(sbb harith ader kowt?)
btol la tu.ahaks.mara lynn n jaja :p
hmm talking about them,
aku rse bertuah gler dpt dorg ohh
lynn tu mmg la dr dulu mmg bff ngn die
sejak aku blom kapel ngn harith lg but jd
renggang bler tuka klas :(
well jaja is friend la .
even new tp aku ngam gler ngn die :D
die bole je sambong ape mende yg aku mengarot-kan.
die jge sgt sporting :)
stiap kali sbelom tusyen stat die akn bg chokichoki (im gonna miss that)
kteorg akn ckp merapu and glak smpai dpndg serong
haha well td die tolong aku menceroboh hak pribadi org.
die jge pntu and aku intai2 mende dlm beg harith *hope die xbce nie
cyes aku ske buat mende tde faedah dan mendtgkn rse semcm dkt org laen yg tgk haha mina2 yg tgk aku smue tersengeh sengeh (pahal?)
omg i ve became a stalker.well since im good at it why dont i jst keep on doing this thang :P
then td ckgu suro bce idioms dkt dpn(aku benci gle bce dpn org!)
well ble turn harith kteorg usha dgn telitinye :D
but ble turn aku my gal (lynn n jaja la) plak usha reaksi harith
haha aku blek tmpt dorg tros report lol (die pnye result is confidential lah)
haha :pp
too bad so sad tomoro is the lst day tusyen :'(
cyes xmau abes!xske!xde bnde nk wat kt uma.
huh!but nk wat cmne pasrah jela c:
hmmm,syeera,iman,dk and zurf nk g klcc sok :D
wahh bes bes but too bad i cnnt go :( (again with the sad face)
my mom xbg pegi cos she said xnk biasekn kluar jaoh2 ngn kengkwan.
agk lame but its for my own safety&&dgn terpksenye terpakse agree haha
tp xpela..dorg nk pegi pg then if i ikot i hve to skip tuisyen
i dont thnk i wanna miss the lst day of tuisyen :D
ptg td pegi ruma nadia buat beads ke mende tah nme die.
kteorg cdg nk jual *yo yo jela but btol la haha
after that maen bskl and usha harith maen bola(asek psl die je?)
while naek bskl kteorg share each other feelings *cehceh
aku cte psl harith and die cte psl iqbal :)
ckp2 smpai brape lap tah kteorg buat haha
sori if korg xdpt contact aku !
aku tuka sim celcom but nnt aku tuka la sim hotlink blek.
sori jgk to bella cos xon ym td.i tetido la syg :D
and sori to u all if terlalu bnyk sgt the word *harith dlm today pnye post:)
p/s:aku kene sexual harassment doe ngn khairina adek nadiah ! siot je :p
Monday, December 22, 2008
tagged by miss zurf :)
1) Do you think you’re hot?
hmm dats a tough on!haha idts. =p
2) Upload your favourite picture of you?

3) Why do you like that picture?
sbb xpena nmpk lg gmba nie sblom nie.haha
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
so yesterday so yesterday !take dat as yesterday.
5) The last song you listened to?
get back by demi
6) What are you doing right now besides this?
watching kapten boleh.stupid story!
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
uhh i'll stay with my name tq
Tag 5 people to this - sesape yg terhingin nk buat :)
hmm dats a tough on!haha idts. =p
2) Upload your favourite picture of you?

3) Why do you like that picture?
sbb xpena nmpk lg gmba nie sblom nie.haha
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
so yesterday so yesterday !take dat as yesterday.
5) The last song you listened to?
get back by demi
6) What are you doing right now besides this?
watching kapten boleh.stupid story!
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
uhh i'll stay with my name tq
Tag 5 people to this - sesape yg terhingin nk buat :)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
get back ?
pg td gerak klcc.
pegi usha petrosains. syiok bbe!
*bru nk pegi tula skola buat lwtn xnk ikot!haha
sbelom tuh window shoppng jap.
aku tde beli per.adeks je dpt :p(xnk pon)
then blek singgh umi..mkn mkn *burp !
n then tasha n her famly dtg nk pnjm toilet?
haha tdela nk mkn la :D
oh yea,i just love lgu get back by demi lovato.
1st tme denga td kt hallmark.(hallmark pon kluar music video?)
lirik lgu tu kinda like wat im going through
n i hate wat im going through but u made a song out of it?
hah!jst kidding =p
Don't walk away like you always do
This time
Baby your the only thing that's been
On my mind
Ever since you left I've been a mess
(You won't answer your phone)
I'll say it once then
I'll leave you alone
But I gotta let you know
I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing like we used to
Oh kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know that you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
Don't look at me that way
I see it in your eyes
Don't worry about me
I've been fine
I'm not gonna lie
I've been a mess
Since you left
And every time I see you
It gets more and more intense
I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know that you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
You were the only one I wanted
And you were the first one I felt for
You're the only one
That I've been needing
And I don't wanna be lonely anymore
p/s: u talked about me to ur friends jst like i did with i guess u didnt rly forget bout me like i didnt forget bout u.rite?
fyi friends,this is not dedicated to who u thnk it is!
pegi usha petrosains. syiok bbe!
*bru nk pegi tula skola buat lwtn xnk ikot!haha
sbelom tuh window shoppng jap.
aku tde beli per.adeks je dpt :p(xnk pon)
then blek singgh umi..mkn mkn *burp !
n then tasha n her famly dtg nk pnjm toilet?
haha tdela nk mkn la :D
oh yea,i just love lgu get back by demi lovato.
1st tme denga td kt hallmark.(hallmark pon kluar music video?)
lirik lgu tu kinda like wat im going through
n i hate wat im going through but u made a song out of it?
hah!jst kidding =p
Don't walk away like you always do
This time
Baby your the only thing that's been
On my mind
Ever since you left I've been a mess
(You won't answer your phone)
I'll say it once then
I'll leave you alone
But I gotta let you know
I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing like we used to
Oh kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know that you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
Don't look at me that way
I see it in your eyes
Don't worry about me
I've been fine
I'm not gonna lie
I've been a mess
Since you left
And every time I see you
It gets more and more intense
I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know that you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
You were the only one I wanted
And you were the first one I felt for
You're the only one
That I've been needing
And I don't wanna be lonely anymore
p/s: u talked about me to ur friends jst like i did with i guess u didnt rly forget bout me like i didnt forget bout u.rite?
fyi friends,this is not dedicated to who u thnk it is!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
When u were 15
When u were 15,your mom came home from work,looking for a hug.You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.
When you were 16,she taught you how to drive her car.You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.
When you were 17,she was expecting an important call.You thanked her by being on the phone all night.
When you were 18,she cried at your high school graduation.You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.
When you were 19,she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags.You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.
When you were 25,she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you.You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.
When you were 50,she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.
And then, one day, she quietly died.And everything you never did came crashingdown like thunder on YOUR HEART.
If you love your MOM, repost this now with the title of When u were 15 if you don't... then u obviously don't care if your mom dies
dila made me post this :p
When you were 16,she taught you how to drive her car.You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.
When you were 17,she was expecting an important call.You thanked her by being on the phone all night.
When you were 18,she cried at your high school graduation.You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.
When you were 19,she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags.You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.
When you were 25,she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you.You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.
When you were 50,she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.
And then, one day, she quietly died.And everything you never did came crashingdown like thunder on YOUR HEART.
If you love your MOM, repost this now with the title of When u were 15 if you don't... then u obviously don't care if your mom dies
dila made me post this :p
jst another day for me
long time no clubbing!
opppss i mean blogging(hah!)
been busy.act no..malas jew.
few things happened..
uhh,i got a new hair cut.
i dont love it but i also dont hate it :)
win win situation (wut?)
ohh did i mention i saw ur bro la dila!
cut hair kt steven then ble kluar nmpk him n kwn die mkn kt umi :)
die nmpk me but mne kenal.haha :pp
mawi n ekin got married!congrats.
funi tgk dorg kiss dahi live.(klo korg tgk korg tau la)
hope u'll learn how to do better nxt tme mawi.
my bibik cuti td so lps hntr die away ..
stop by kat jusco to buy internal thangs.
take away time *dingdong
yeay 2 large pizzas coming :)
btw,that delivery guy is a cutie pie!
the suite life on deck !
dont know why but i love that story :D
i dont like the suite life of zack and cody fyi
but dis one is different and funnier.
i love cody's new style(i spotted that skinny jeans :p)
i love zack's naughtiness *is that even a word?
humm,mse tu kol mastura!
miss that tiny little voice :)
but die ckp acsent terengganu so ta phm sgt :p
ganu kito !
well,td tgk ebuzz and saw iklan bride wars.
nmpk mcm best and xsaba nk tgk!
starring anne hathaway and kate hudson .
btw,status now back to single :)
opppss i mean blogging(hah!)
been busy.act no..malas jew.
few things happened..
uhh,i got a new hair cut.
i dont love it but i also dont hate it :)
win win situation (wut?)
ohh did i mention i saw ur bro la dila!
cut hair kt steven then ble kluar nmpk him n kwn die mkn kt umi :)
die nmpk me but mne kenal.haha :pp
mawi n ekin got married!congrats.
funi tgk dorg kiss dahi live.(klo korg tgk korg tau la)
hope u'll learn how to do better nxt tme mawi.
my bibik cuti td so lps hntr die away ..
stop by kat jusco to buy internal thangs.
take away time *dingdong
yeay 2 large pizzas coming :)
btw,that delivery guy is a cutie pie!
the suite life on deck !
dont know why but i love that story :D
i dont like the suite life of zack and cody fyi
but dis one is different and funnier.
i love cody's new style(i spotted that skinny jeans :p)
i love zack's naughtiness *is that even a word?
humm,mse tu kol mastura!
miss that tiny little voice :)
but die ckp acsent terengganu so ta phm sgt :p
ganu kito !
well,td tgk ebuzz and saw iklan bride wars.
nmpk mcm best and xsaba nk tgk!
starring anne hathaway and kate hudson .
btw,status now back to single :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
sah sewel !
ehem ehem!im here to say!that i have lost 0.5 kg!
wut?u have gotta be kidding me!xboley sket agi ke?
heeeeeeee.aku ketok otak ko kang!okla tu!
proud to say bergne jgk tips2 diet nadiah!
love u lah bbe!
the tips :)
-mkn oat sbgai bekfes.
-lunch mkn sket nasi lebey protein.
-hbes mkn jln 45 lgkh sbelom minom ayer.
-if rse hungry mkn buah mnyk2.
-mlm mkn sbelom 7pm.
klau anda ade tips tmbhn utk menyeksa saye sprt yg tertera di ats,
sle la kongsi2.sharing is loving and loving makes u thin ? shit!mengarot!
keco la ko bbe ! bru ilang 0.5 ! biol !
ummm,ptg td naek bskl jap smtre tggu nadia blek.
n then suddenly terserempak ngn my mom blek keje.
my mom ckp 'igt awek mne td!'.haha.wt lwk kot?heee
n then ble nadia da blek men bdmnton lak..
gle siot pnye ponat!lps lwn ngn nadia versus athira lak.
pelohhh ? sket jew :pp
wut?u have gotta be kidding me!xboley sket agi ke?
heeeeeeee.aku ketok otak ko kang!okla tu!
proud to say bergne jgk tips2 diet nadiah!
love u lah bbe!
the tips :)
-mkn oat sbgai bekfes.
-lunch mkn sket nasi lebey protein.
-hbes mkn jln 45 lgkh sbelom minom ayer.
-if rse hungry mkn buah mnyk2.
-mlm mkn sbelom 7pm.
klau anda ade tips tmbhn utk menyeksa saye sprt yg tertera di ats,
sle la kongsi2.sharing is loving and loving makes u thin ? shit!mengarot!
keco la ko bbe ! bru ilang 0.5 ! biol !
ummm,ptg td naek bskl jap smtre tggu nadia blek.
n then suddenly terserempak ngn my mom blek keje.
my mom ckp 'igt awek mne td!'.haha.wt lwk kot?heee
n then ble nadia da blek men bdmnton lak..
gle siot pnye ponat!lps lwn ngn nadia versus athira lak.
pelohhh ? sket jew :pp
Sunday, December 14, 2008
cicak kobeng !
cicak man 2 !
bole thn r ..
tp aku agk termengong jp dgn tania nie.
die still tatau hairi tuh cicakman !
ape ke slow sgt mina nie ! biol btol.
tgk skali pon suda tau.haha :D
yela spe lg yg keding cam hairi uh.
plans ruinned :(
my mom ckp nk g klcc,
but my adek sket so tada jadi la boss.
mggu dpn kte cbe lg ! haha :pp
aku nk beli cd cetak rompak r wey .
nk usha r apek uh mlm nie.jgn pggl polis ye :)
ehem ehem ..
umm,korg tau en mawi n ekin mau kwen?
tatau ? ko dok guee mne ?
hmm,over seyh aku nengokk!
menyampah aku tgk iklan dorg uhh,
g kursus pon nk tnjkk ! astro astro ..
huhu kalo xkekal mmg r !
pminat mawi jgn banned aku ye !
sye cme mnjlnkn tugas.ahaks :p
bole thn r ..
tp aku agk termengong jp dgn tania nie.
die still tatau hairi tuh cicakman !
ape ke slow sgt mina nie ! biol btol.
tgk skali pon suda tau.haha :D
yela spe lg yg keding cam hairi uh.
plans ruinned :(
my mom ckp nk g klcc,
but my adek sket so tada jadi la boss.
mggu dpn kte cbe lg ! haha :pp
aku nk beli cd cetak rompak r wey .
nk usha r apek uh mlm nie.jgn pggl polis ye :)
ehem ehem ..
umm,korg tau en mawi n ekin mau kwen?
tatau ? ko dok guee mne ?
hmm,over seyh aku nengokk!
menyampah aku tgk iklan dorg uhh,
g kursus pon nk tnjkk ! astro astro ..
huhu kalo xkekal mmg r !
pminat mawi jgn banned aku ye !
sye cme mnjlnkn tugas.ahaks :p
Saturday, December 13, 2008
3.00 pm
pkol 3 ade appointment dgn syeera n iman kt skola.
sudaa lambat.aku tros wat film rush hour 4.
ps2 tang tang tu jgk la bju kelas ta jmpe.
baek pnye timing!pkai la bju sukan laen.
tup tup smpai dpn gate skola nmpk iman da bla.shoot.
aku msok dlm jmpe syeera n megat.
dorg selambek pkai bju biase.aku jek semangat.
sebenonye aku tkot taley msok skola je.ngehee.
pastu tgk snarai klas.merengek sket.dala.abes.haha.
aku igt lps tu nk hang out jap kt kdai ngn syeera,iman,zurf,dk..
butttt syeera sorg je?tayala :p
aku nk usha result.
mse tu nadia ckp lps christmas je ley tgk.santa?ngeng!
tonight nk g tgk cicakman2.planet hitam?
my mom bole lak td joke kate die lpe beli tiket aku?
suro aku tggl uma.mnyk cntek.
buat mke jap bru die ckp 'tdela takan ta bli kot'.
ahaks.shengal jek!
sudaa lambat.aku tros wat film rush hour 4.
ps2 tang tang tu jgk la bju kelas ta jmpe.
baek pnye timing!pkai la bju sukan laen.
tup tup smpai dpn gate skola nmpk iman da bla.shoot.
aku msok dlm jmpe syeera n megat.
dorg selambek pkai bju biase.aku jek semangat.
sebenonye aku tkot taley msok skola je.ngehee.
pastu tgk snarai klas.merengek sket.dala.abes.haha.
aku igt lps tu nk hang out jap kt kdai ngn syeera,iman,zurf,dk..
butttt syeera sorg je?tayala :p
aku nk usha result.
mse tu nadia ckp lps christmas je ley tgk.santa?ngeng!
tonight nk g tgk cicakman2.planet hitam?
my mom bole lak td joke kate die lpe beli tiket aku?
suro aku tggl uma.mnyk cntek.
buat mke jap bru die ckp 'tdela takan ta bli kot'.
ahaks.shengal jek!
tagged by dila

1) take a recent pic or urself or take a pic of urself rite NOW !.
2) DONT change ur clothes , DONT fix ur hair , just take ur pic .
3) post tht pic with NO editing .
4) post these instruction with ur pic.
5)tag 10 ppl to do this . happy tagging (;
-sesiape yg ade mse lapang :pp
f*** la wei !
taon dpn bdk laki ino da bepecah.totally pnye bepecah ah!
aminul sorg kowt yg tggl.tu pon die xkompem stll skola sme ke x.
bkn nk kurg ajr tp mmg aku nk je mencarot kt org yg buat list tuh.
slap2 ustazah yg wat.bdk ino taon dpn korg bkn crew inolism aw.tlg sket.
i bet klas da xkn happening lg tnpe bizkowt dan bono brothers :''(
korg nnt jgn sombong aww jgn wat2 xknal lak ngn aku.
kte still inolism en. nnt kte wt r reunion.memandai jek :p
ko mmg crush kn aku aku r mamat!kate je rmai bdk laki ino stay.
bapak ko r!huh.btw,i wish u guys all the best dkt kls bru.
korg xkn dpt dgntikn :(
p/s: slap aribulan dpt get along ngn bdk ino bru taon dpn .
aminul sorg kowt yg tggl.tu pon die xkompem stll skola sme ke x.
bkn nk kurg ajr tp mmg aku nk je mencarot kt org yg buat list tuh.
slap2 ustazah yg wat.bdk ino taon dpn korg bkn crew inolism aw.tlg sket.
i bet klas da xkn happening lg tnpe bizkowt dan bono brothers :''(
korg nnt jgn sombong aww jgn wat2 xknal lak ngn aku.
kte still inolism en. nnt kte wt r reunion.memandai jek :p
ko mmg crush kn aku aku r mamat!kate je rmai bdk laki ino stay.
bapak ko r!huh.btw,i wish u guys all the best dkt kls bru.
korg xkn dpt dgntikn :(
p/s: slap aribulan dpt get along ngn bdk ino bru taon dpn .
Thursday, December 11, 2008
mastura :)
i met dis hot mina dkt kem permate ibu ayah.
die la tmpt aku bermanje mse kt sne.hahaa :D
aku igt lg mse kteorg kene tgk vid indon cte psl anak derhaka,
dorg ttop lmpu konon nk amek feel tp lst2 smue cam nk tdo,
but cte tu not so bad lah.aku jst baring ats mina neh and dgr die
bebel psl die ske lgu cte tu la ini la itu la.i miss dat moment.
aku igt lg sbelom tdo kteorg borak smpai tgh mlm.
kteorg mmg mcm belangkas.ko mmg kwn yg baek.
wlaupon knal ko 3 hari jek tp rse mcm da knal 3 thon.
so sad da lost contact.hope we'll meet again bbe.ilysm.
ain kamarozaman :)
dis mina is my friend sjk skola n then mse cuti skola terjmpe die
dkt kem permate ibu ayah 2.mina ni mmg keco tu yg aku ske :p
ko mmg tmpt borak ah.bnyk mende kteorg buat sesame kt sne.
mse men flying fox kteorg nek bedue n org uh bole plak sgkotkn
kteorg kt tgh2.mne x menjerit.smue glak.bgoss gle :pp
kteorg still contact but lps aku tuka no fon tros lost contact :'(
imysm la girl.
i met dis hot mina dkt kem permate ibu ayah.
die la tmpt aku bermanje mse kt sne.hahaa :D
aku igt lg mse kteorg kene tgk vid indon cte psl anak derhaka,
dorg ttop lmpu konon nk amek feel tp lst2 smue cam nk tdo,
but cte tu not so bad lah.aku jst baring ats mina neh and dgr die
bebel psl die ske lgu cte tu la ini la itu la.i miss dat moment.
aku igt lg sbelom tdo kteorg borak smpai tgh mlm.
kteorg mmg mcm belangkas.ko mmg kwn yg baek.
wlaupon knal ko 3 hari jek tp rse mcm da knal 3 thon.
so sad da lost contact.hope we'll meet again bbe.ilysm.
ain kamarozaman :)
dis mina is my friend sjk skola n then mse cuti skola terjmpe die
dkt kem permate ibu ayah 2.mina ni mmg keco tu yg aku ske :p
ko mmg tmpt borak ah.bnyk mende kteorg buat sesame kt sne.
mse men flying fox kteorg nek bedue n org uh bole plak sgkotkn
kteorg kt tgh2.mne x menjerit.smue glak.bgoss gle :pp
kteorg still contact but lps aku tuka no fon tros lost contact :'(
imysm la girl.
p/s:real friends are hard to get and impossible to forget.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
online shopping ;D
korg tgk x remaje mse uh?
die ade tnjuk site2 tok online shpping.
omg,tees,bags,tank tops ...
smue gle cantek.harge di pon cntek gk.
terseksa doe tgk ! yela dapat bli.
then ble pegi kt sne ade jmpe site laen,
orange little,amore[japan&korean's fashion]
korg tgk ah klo nk cuci mte ke o nk bli.

btw,i love mendalah
sblh nie! ->
shooo cute !
die ade tnjuk site2 tok online shpping.
omg,tees,bags,tank tops ...
smue gle cantek.harge di pon cntek gk.
terseksa doe tgk ! yela dapat bli.
then ble pegi kt sne ade jmpe site laen,
orange little,amore[japan&korean's fashion]
korg tgk ah klo nk cuci mte ke o nk bli.

btw,i love mendalah
sblh nie! ->
shooo cute !
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
salam aidiladha
hari rye korban !
akuh blek perak satu ari jek.
blek ahad pg blek kl blek ari isnin.
kt sne aku ta tgk org buno lembu.
sedeyh .
selamat hari raya aidiladha :)
akuh blek perak satu ari jek.
blek ahad pg blek kl blek ari isnin.
kt sne aku ta tgk org buno lembu.
sedeyh .
selamat hari raya aidiladha :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
i kissed zac efron!
gle lme rsenye aku x post anything kt blog nih.
30,1,2 dis g cmeron higlnd.
agk bes.bajit pon ikot.
tp aku rajen nk cte kt blog.
so taya la.ngehe~

cme mse kt cmeron uh nmpk bulan n bintang senyum :)
smlm mse g tusyen ade men 1 gme nih,
die bg urop A [town] ko kene bg jwpn,
conto mcm Amsterdam.
pstu aku bgn r nk jwb,
U[town] aku ckp Ulu Yam,
yaya r suro ckp ulu yam tatau kg mne die g,
pstu aku yg kene glak ta ptot tol,
pstu aku ckp la " okla tu ! "
tawla korg amek ngre luar jew :p
teacher pon 2x6 jek
tropic thunder,
aku nengok cte nie ngn bajit mse uh,
dlm bilik kunci pntu tutop lmpu,
bjet mcm tgk cte antu r tp cte lwk sude,
aku pnye smngt tgk cte tu ta seda bajit da bedengko kt sblh,
cte tu satu2nye cte yg plg mnyk mnggnkn prkataan,
dick , fuck , shit , etc,
yg pena aku tgk tp cte tu mmg lwk .
ben stiller uh !
smlm aku mimpi jmpe zac efron n tyra bnks!
wahaa..besh gler!cm real doe,
aku jmpe zac n then tros pelok die n ciom pipi die,
LOL terujee seyhh..
jmpe tyra mse tgh lari nk jmpe zac,
okela tu :pp
aku busan dan tatau da nk tulis aper :/
30,1,2 dis g cmeron higlnd.
agk bes.bajit pon ikot.
tp aku rajen nk cte kt blog.
so taya la.ngehe~
cme mse kt cmeron uh nmpk bulan n bintang senyum :)
smlm mse g tusyen ade men 1 gme nih,
die bg urop A [town] ko kene bg jwpn,
conto mcm Amsterdam.
pstu aku bgn r nk jwb,
U[town] aku ckp Ulu Yam,
yaya r suro ckp ulu yam tatau kg mne die g,
pstu aku yg kene glak ta ptot tol,
pstu aku ckp la " okla tu ! "
tawla korg amek ngre luar jew :p
teacher pon 2x6 jek
tropic thunder,
aku nengok cte nie ngn bajit mse uh,
dlm bilik kunci pntu tutop lmpu,
bjet mcm tgk cte antu r tp cte lwk sude,
aku pnye smngt tgk cte tu ta seda bajit da bedengko kt sblh,
cte tu satu2nye cte yg plg mnyk mnggnkn prkataan,
dick , fuck , shit , etc,
yg pena aku tgk tp cte tu mmg lwk .
ben stiller uh !
smlm aku mimpi jmpe zac efron n tyra bnks!
wahaa..besh gler!cm real doe,
aku jmpe zac n then tros pelok die n ciom pipi die,
LOL terujee seyhh..
jmpe tyra mse tgh lari nk jmpe zac,
okela tu :pp
aku busan dan tatau da nk tulis aper :/
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