Saturday, March 7, 2009

rindu same itu orang

jumpe hati ni tepi longkang, sape tinggal? ;D

wuhuu, hey you

semalam tusyen pekse Bi, Geo, and Maths. fyi, aku dpt 100% for Bi, the only one. alhamdulillah :) hopefully kertas ujian kat sekolah tk jd sebaleknye -.- and as for Geo pulak, 31/34. Maths tatau but syeera dpt full marks for Maths. (tabik springlah)

and bile smpai rumah, ade cakelah. rupenye hari jadi my lil bro, haiyaa ini kakak! lupe kut

muhammad ammar hakim, officially six years xD

and and my mom ckp die beli cd hsm3, aku ckplah "dh check ngn apek tu suare and gmba oke ke tk?" then mak aku gelak and ckp "ORI oke". HAHA nmpk sgt slalu beelii *lanun*

today bgn pg sgtt pstu tkde pe nk buat, i swear the whole day hari ni tak blaja. ttau knape mls sgt. then pegi ziarah Jusco nak cari kasot hitam baru, yg lame dah usang. pusingpusing end up dkt TSC. high heel kut ;P ibu da ckp tk pyh high hellheel cos tkot nnt jatoh tgge -.-
tp td yg aku nk tuh high heel jgk nk wat cane. ehek, camtulak ;d

anywayyy, mase balek singgah Shamensi and ade pulak makhluk tuhan yg aku kenal kat dlm tuh tgh borak2 ngn cashier. Aminullll da. balek tuh cptcpt solat asar, dh nk maghribb. malam pulak sambong tgk hsm3 yg dipausekn pagi td. beshh tp tgv punye version lg best.

esok promise nak belaja, haihh.
toodles xo

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