hey im back.
miss me much?idts hah :p
trip to the kampong :)
kat sne siot bosan but i spent many of my hours watchng movies
i watched dealova,hantu jmbtn ancol,beranak dalam kubor,superhero movie
i dnt rly enjoy blek kelantan cos tired ddok dlm kete for 10 hours or more
but ble da smpai okla cos bole pulon amek mknn dkt kedai runcit
oh yea we have our own grocery there ahha
on our way home kteorg stop nk mkn but slh pilih kdai
the foods is ok but the toilet omg!
my dad tros xde selera ble tgk die pnye toilet (tgk sbb nk gne lah haha)
i xtgk so i dont rly knoe how bad it was but my dad said terrible bbeh
igt jst nk walk away cos my dad dh xde selera but dh order so stay jela
but dlm kerete afta dat kteorg menyumpah dat kedai haha
my dad,my uncle and my bibik tgk n they said the toilet was friggin dirty
dorg tros xjd nk melabor hahaha
i can only jst imagine ewww
my dad bgtau dkt die pnye pekerje but die buat bodo aje
i wonder how dorg bole gne tndas kotor2? gross-ery btol
omg i jst realized that mggu dpn da bkk skola!
rse mcm cpt jer..nk cuti lg la bang!hah :)
umm aku bce blog seniors and dorg agk glaba nk amek result pmr
all i can say is good luck ! i wonder amy dpt brpe A?hmmm
and i jst taw yg my dad suke lgu hot and cold katy perry
obvious sgt when lgu tu maen die putar 180 drjh punat volume tuh
haha :D
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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hha, kelakar siot ?
cm ner ayah kau leh ske lgu tuh ?
haha aduih mne la aku taw weyh haha :P ko ske lgu 2 gk en?
boleh gak lak sikit2 hha :)
sekepala hha
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