Wednesday, January 28, 2009

back home

oh hello, i mean assalamualaikum ;)
im fresh exported aka baru balek dari jb.
the trip went ok.

and then in the car i listened to diantara kalian and my heart skips a beat without any reason.all thoughts on him.suddenly tears drop on my cheek :'( hot fm should be called lets-make-our-fan cry-fm :')

anywhat,now its nearly 4 oclock in the morning but im not sleeeppyy like i should be.i also re-do all stuff in my myspace.oh yea im nowhere near my books and homework aha.god i dont know what to write.

oh yea i baru sedar mase tu dlm pre test BI i wote im fourteen yrs old.bajet mude ;P

chinese new year!happy happy!haha;D too bad i forgot to wish that to Korea guy.well i kinda miss him.bullshit.tomorrow or tomorrow aka the day after tomorrow( -_-'' ) , i plan to watch bride wars :) hopefuly jadi...

with love,ain


yanamia said...

ain ain
i loveeee jb
hehe :)

Ain Farhani said...

haha your hometown kew syg ?