Saturday, March 14, 2009


ya Allah weh, baru lepas bace blog diyana, gile panas dooo psl bufday suprise tuh! *tahan jela, kaw bukan nye sesape kn :( sobsob

okeh, exam dh habes so buku tk boleh nk usha2 sleck kat aku dh,(mcmla pmr dh pass-.-) tapikan few days ni bnyk pulak kawan aku yg ckp aku nmpk mcm moody semacam. korang tau lah asal kan. i gotta stopla, its eating me alive. psl crush aku tu la sape lg, aku kene buang feeling ni jaoh2 la. i know nadia akan tolong aku, cant do it alone :)

enough with dat, iman ckp dkt tusyen aku dapat nombor due. bile tau tuh tkde feeling langsung. so what? im not in the mood lah.pehh~

today scul, oke aje tkde mende luarbese. cume td my friend ni ade prob and die luahkanla kat aku, tk semene-mene die nanges. aku panic gak but i lend her my shoulder. but shes sad bcos frens die yg talam due muke. tk patut la, bazir ar mate. nk je aku sound kawan2 die tuh -_-*

malam ni konsert af7, tk saba lak -.- nk denga aril nyanyi.


yanamia said...

ohoii sygg
aku ngn die takde pape lah syg
aku pon takde lah minat die pon
cam syg gitu gitu as senior je
ko crush ngn die sgt kan
so amek lah
aku bg ngn hati terbukaaaa
aku ade spare part agy
lebiuhh babyy :D

Ain Farhani said...

haha bapak baik hati kaw ;P