Monday, January 19, 2009

devils wear masks

omigod, lame gile tk tkn new post button kat blog ni.
but td da tekan haha so here i am writing a story, basically.

u cannot tell how much ive been in stress lately, its all like falling on the wrong place. u know what im talking about yea PMR what else can it be. susah hati aku piki pasal mcm mne aku nk sumbat pljrn f1, 2 and 3 dlm otak yg dah agk sempit ni. pre test pulak bagai mencabar kesabaran jek :(

what else could it be... oh yea PERANG GAZA! its hard to open the news and not find stories bout this. well act not hard more like impossible! i tell you, i hate ISRAEL with all my guts! but we can only berdoa spaye ALLAH menjatohkn azab sekeras-kerasnye kpade syaitan bertopengkn manusia ni and selamatkn Palestin. all this issues membuatkn aku pndg serendah rendahnye negare amerika yg bersekutu skali tuh. its not like sbelom ni pndg tinggi pon HAHA

[jgn lupe boikot brg2 dorg at least tu jela kite mampu buat kaw tkkn nk pegi perang kat sne kan?]

at schll feel like nothing new except for that superly duperly cute pengawas guy, but like ustazah raidah kate, jgn judge berdasarkan muke je.dgr tu dila, fiqa, zur, iman dn lain2 HAHAHAHAHA *name sendiri tk sebot

umm this week is about chop-ing cute guys and iman found hers and i found mine ahaks ;) but i tdela minat sgt kat die mcm iman minat kat lookalike tuh, oppsss, HAHAHAHAHA

laughing reduce stress at least thats what they say. so i'll jst keep on HAHAHIHI -ing. get use ok.

about amy or as i like to call AMY AMY ! (huh?) she seems to be avoiding me or aku je yg busy sgt jge gate. but this week we plan to jage gate blakang so watch out amy. im going to do some sensual seduction. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
adehadeh saket perot, ok ok now u can say to much laughing is not good HAHA

avios until the next post :)

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