today woke up then rush kluar rumah for pemilihan bola tampar kat skola, ble smpai met up dgn zur and hawa. waited outside for nabilah and iman then stretching before playing. after dat took a few minutes training dgn Dan and others 'coach' i might say. i like watching them play vball :)

then afta pemilihan tgh pnss ckgu ckp ade lg skali pemilihan wed nnt. bru die akn pilih, im not being negative but theres a bright chance of me not making it. oh well if dat happens i'll jst scratch vball from my list and try sumthng else i might be good at. if theres any -.-'
after all the kehausan and kelaparan, me,nabilah and iman cdg nk mkn kat mcd but first pegi ruma iman tok amek payong cos we dont plan to get roasted on the way pegi mcd. thnk god, iman's mom was kind enough to tumpangkn.
dekat mcd we talked bout good stuff and bad stuff. crushes stuff, school stuff whle eating. then nabilah and iman buat h/w for like wut? 20 minutes? HAHA. then we jln pegi ruma nabilah yg suda kosong ituu. it was fun la ddok dlm ruma yg kosong, echoess. ddok ddok and baring baring.
tonight, mkn pizza hut sbb ade orfer. valentines offer. my dad nk sgt order sbb nk amek 'feel' smbl tgk bolaa tonite.pfft~
p/s: pictures kat mcd ade kat fon nabilah, too bad.
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