-tagged by zurf
whoever gets tagged have to write 1o things about that person who tagged him/her.
+ hangen ta bole dipredict
+ suke bangat sama kamera itu nikon
+ bole diharap kalo psl teman usha crush
+ emo?hmm,dunnola
+ die pengawas XD
+ pandaii
+ agk sewel kekadang
+ uhh, pe lg yer?
+ die suke wane hitam
+ suke ckgu farouk? haha :D
The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about her/himself.
. likes hui ;)
. a freakk
. international stalker. i scare maself sumtmes -_-'
. sukee krimmm aising sgt2
. pengawas yg bole diharap ;P
. suke dgr ceramah agame, oh yeah
. belajar hanye ikot rasee
. bersyukur dgn ape yg ade, alhamdulillah
. agk suke miley cyrus
. suke crite korea,cine
At the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
adila / afiqah / qui2 / apiz / kak bna

Rules and Regulations :
1. copy and paste the picture in your blog .
2. write on whoever suits the character . whether they got blog or not .
3. tag 5 or more people . (:
the good friend : nadia
the slow one : me?
the pimp : woo..dorg smue baekla tk mcm jewish HAHA
the good little church girl : no no no
the shy one : zurf
the one that always swears : tasha
the grumpy one : zurf
the one that always gets hurt : recently, tasha but its ok shes happy now
the one thats up to no good : iman haha
the jock : nazhif kowttt, smpai sket2 kaki die bersukan
the one with the bad memory : oh god tht would be me
the geek : idk.
the innocent one : no ones innocent haha
the goodie two shoes : syeera
the drama queen : iman ker?
the lazy one : oh award goes to me
the gangster : tasha haha dat mina
the stylish one : nadia and dila
the flirt : haha meee
the tiny dangerous one : uhh,dunno
the tower : haziq
the one with all the gossip : iman
the ladies man : spa Q ? heheh
the one you can depend on : nadia
the annoying one : ish2 tk bek
the cutie pie : syeera
the princess : nabilah
the funny guy : hui ececeh
the one thats always hungry : meeh and iman
tagging :
sile2 jamu seleree ,
+ hangen ta bole dipredict
+ suke bangat sama kamera itu nikon
+ bole diharap kalo psl teman usha crush
+ emo?hmm,dunnola
+ die pengawas XD
+ pandaii
+ agk sewel kekadang
+ uhh, pe lg yer?
+ die suke wane hitam
+ suke ckgu farouk? haha :D
The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about her/himself.
. likes hui ;)
. a freakk
. international stalker. i scare maself sumtmes -_-'
. sukee krimmm aising sgt2
. pengawas yg bole diharap ;P
. suke dgr ceramah agame, oh yeah
. belajar hanye ikot rasee
. bersyukur dgn ape yg ade, alhamdulillah
. agk suke miley cyrus
. suke crite korea,cine
At the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
adila / afiqah / qui2 / apiz / kak bna

Rules and Regulations :
1. copy and paste the picture in your blog .
2. write on whoever suits the character . whether they got blog or not .
3. tag 5 or more people . (:
the good friend : nadia
the slow one : me?
the pimp : woo..dorg smue baekla tk mcm jewish HAHA
the good little church girl : no no no
the shy one : zurf
the one that always swears : tasha
the grumpy one : zurf
the one that always gets hurt : recently, tasha but its ok shes happy now
the one thats up to no good : iman haha
the jock : nazhif kowttt, smpai sket2 kaki die bersukan
the one with the bad memory : oh god tht would be me
the geek : idk.
the innocent one : no ones innocent haha
the goodie two shoes : syeera
the drama queen : iman ker?
the lazy one : oh award goes to me
the gangster : tasha haha dat mina
the stylish one : nadia and dila
the flirt : haha meee
the tiny dangerous one : uhh,dunno
the tower : haziq
the one with all the gossip : iman
the ladies man : spa Q ? heheh
the one you can depend on : nadia
the annoying one : ish2 tk bek
the cutie pie : syeera
the princess : nabilah
the funny guy : hui ececeh
the one thats always hungry : meeh and iman
tagging :
sile2 jamu seleree ,
1 comment:
ckgu faroq?!
HOHO~ takley blaa!!
ain? flirt?
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